Title: There's No Place Like Home
Author: Trix
sam_dean_fetish (Cheapen the Moment team)
Written in Dean POV
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I checked my bank account today and there's still a measly amount in there so I guess I don't own them. *sighs*
Word count: 100
Written for:
spn_drabble PROMPT: Impala
Where do I call home?
I've been asked that question a few times and this is my answer.
Lying here with my arms wrapped around Sam, that's where it feels like home.
As I run my hand through soft, shaggy, dark locks, his head resting on my chest, arm draped across my abdomen, his breathing slow and steady, I wonder if I could ever be happy anywhere but here.
I know with my entire being that I can't.
Here in the back seat of the Impala, with my lover draped across my body is where I'm happiest.
This is home.