Deanisms 6x22 - "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Aug 27, 2013 00:27

“The Man Who Knew Too Much”
The wall comes down in Sam's head and all hell breaks loose. Dean and Bobby are, for once, at a total loss on how to help him and are forced to stand by and do nothing while Sam breaks. The battle for heaven comes to a head. - CW Publicity


Dean Winchester: Well, how the hell are we gonna take out that many angels?
Bobby Singer: We don't. We'll ninja our way in.
Dean Winchester: Awesome, yeah - till they hear your knee squeak.

[last line of the episode/season]
Castiel: I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord... or I shall destroy you.


The title of the episode ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much' is the name of a 1956 Alred Hitchock movie, a remake of his own earlier 1934 version of the movie. It’s also famous for featuring the song Que sera sera by Doris Day who starred in the movie with James Stewart.

At the beginning of the episode as Sam, trapped in his mind, runs from the police, we see a sign for Castle Storage, which was the location of John Winchester's lock-up. The hotel he's staying at is called the Nite Owl, which was the name of a hotel he and Dean stayed at in 6.05 Live Free or Twihard (they stayed in a motel by the same name in 5.05 Fallen Idols but the building was different). As Sam and Robin enter the hotel, they pass a man who looks like Bobby.

Sam: I woke up on a park bench, cops shoving a flashlight into my face, trying to take me in.
Robin: So you ran?
Sam: No, I knocked them out cold, both of them. I didn't mean to, it's just happened really fast. You know, instinct or something, I guess.
This actually happened in the movie "The Bourne Identity," which like this episode, is about a man with no memory of his past who slowly uncovers his background and abilities with the help of a woman.

Sam says he woke up on a park bench to a cop trying to take him in.In 4.03 In the Beginning, when Castiel sent Dean back in time, Dean woke up on a bench to find a cop telling him to move.

The book Sam finds in the bar is "The Haunter of the Dark," a horror story in the Cthulhu Mythos genre that H.P. Lovecraft wrote in November 1935.

Robin: Well I love what you've done to the place - it's very Beautiful Mind meets Seven.
Beautiful Mind is a 2001 movie about the schizophrenic maths prodigy John Nash. In the movie, his paranoia leads him to look for hidden codes, and he has material on his walls much the way Sam does here. It is a clue to Robin's identity as well because in the movie John Nash has a number of friends that the viewer later finds out are hallucinations.

Se7en is a 1995 thriller about a serial killer whose murders are based on the seven deadly sins, who leaves clues for the detectives.

Dream!Sam: I'm hallucinating?
Dream!Soulless Sam: Warmer. But see normally you're awake when you're tripping balls.
To be 'tripping balls' is to be really high on a hallucinogen like LSD or magic mushrooms.

Dean: we can't just sit here Bobby, I've got to help him... Dreamscape his noggin, something. Dreamscape was a 1984 horror movie in which two scientists invent a technique by which psychics can enter people's dreams. Dean and Sam previously dreamwalked in Bobby's mind.

The address of Castiel and Crowley's hideout, the one that Balthazar gives them on a slip of paper, is 221 Piermont Ave, Bootbock, Kansas. The street and city are fictional locations.

Crowley: You seem even more constipated than usual. Maybe get you some Colonblow?
Colonblow was the name of a fictitious product in a Saturday Night Live sketch. It is also now a real colon cleansing product.

Crowley: Have you forgotten that you’re the bottom in this relationship?
"Bottom" is a term used to refer to the sexually submissive partner in a BDSM relationship. It is also used more generally in gay subculture to refer to someone who prefers to be the receptive partner in anal sex.

Dean: What the hell is that? T-Rex maybe?
Dean sees vibrations causing ripples in a puddle. In the movie Jurassic Park a similar effect in a glass of water signaled the approach of a the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Watch the scene here. Also, the way the Impala is flipped over by the demons is similar to how the T-Rex flips the car over in the movie.

The fake ID's Robin finds in the hotel room are for Jimmy Page, Neil Peart, and Angus Young. Page is the guitarist for Led Zeppelin, Peart is the drummer for Rush, and Young is the lead guitarist for AC/DC. All three aliases have been used in previous episodes.

The spell and sigils needed to open a door to Purgatory.

The ritual to open Purgatory involves drawing a series of sigils in a mixture of the blood of a virgin and the blood of a Purgatory native. A spell is then recited on the night of the lunar eclipse.

Castiel's disintegration of Raphael was payback for what Raphael did to him in 4.22 Lucifer Rising. Chuck Shurley described it in 5.01 Sympathy for the Devil: "He, like, exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup." Lucifer also killed Castiel the same way in 5.22 Swan Song.


Carry On Wayward Son
Written by Kerry Livgren
Performed by Kansas

Play With Fire
Written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards (as Nanker Phelge)
Performed by The Rolling Stones


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