Monthly Recommendations...

Aug 24, 2011 20:03

Hello Fellow Appreciators of Dean!

Thank you to all of the authors and artists that allowed us to include your work in our Monthly Recommendations - You guys are astoundingly awesome!

Do you have a favorite piece of fanwork involving the incomparable Dean Winchester? Please PM one of your friendly neighborhood mods or leave us a comment. Just let us know: what it is, who it’s by, and why you like it!

Comments Are Love - If You Like Something, Please Comment And Tell The Author Or Artist!

Without Further Ado…


Title: But We Keep Knitting Together (Strangely, Inevitably)

Author: cold_feets

Rating: PG-13

Parings/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean+Castiel (Two Deans, two Castiels. It’s complicated.)Sam, and Bobby

Warnings: Character death, description of a supernatural attack and injuries

Summary: Set late S5 with a decent amount of handwaving. Dean ends up in another universe where Bobby, Sam, and Cas have finally met the monster they can’t stop and things between Dean and Cas turned out differently. But maybe only a little.

Recommender’s Note: This story is heartbreaking, hopeful, vivid, amazing, and I can’t even describe it. I cried…a lot, but it was so worth it.


Title: Fly The Friendly Skies

Author: discreetmath

Rating: PG

Parings/Characters: Dean/Castiel AU

Warnings: None.

Summary: Castiel is a flight attendant, and Dean is the unreasonably attractive pilot he can't get off his mind.

Recommender's Note: I think this fic should have a major warning, because seriously try and STOP picturing Pilot!Dean after you read it…PRETTY! This is wonderful and sweet and fluffy and all that is right with the world!



Title: You Can Count On Me

Vidder: rumrouz

Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam

Summary: "You can count on me, and I'll be there. And I know when I need it I can count on you, and you'll be there"

Recommender’s Note: This so wonderful! *Smishes*


Title: You're Not In This Story

Vidder: seekess

Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas

Summary: Sometimes the most beautiful stories aren't planned at all.

Recommender’s Note: So very beautiful! I cried when I watched it!


Title: I Will Go Down With This Ship

Vidder: kjerstin (aka ketoh)

Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas

Summary: For all Destiel fans, 'cause we'll go down with this ship.

Recommender’s Note: This is my ship and I will go down with it. This is such a great vid! <3


Title: By Your Side

Vidder: ToruFinalFantasy

Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas

Summary: Dean/Cas seasons 4-6

Recommender’s Note: Just so very lovely! The song is perfect and I heart this video so much!




Title: Angels and Demons: When You Roll The Dice

Vidder: kellygirl2002

Pairing/Characters: Angels, Demons, Vessels

Summary: The general idea of this video came from me just thinking about how the human vessels/meatsuits(on SPN) never know how they are going to be used; if they are going to be a vessel for a human, a puppet for a demon, or just able to live their own lives. Everyone just lives their life by chance, not really knowing what is truly going to happen to them (or what role they may play) sometime in the future, hence the song choice.

Recommender’s Note: Gorgeously amazing! The coloring…the editing…*Flails* You Must Watch!


Title: "My Brother" An Essay By Sammy Sam Winchester, Aged 7 27 And Three Quarters

Vidder: Ellie P Dowd, el1ie

Pairing/Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester

Summary: When Sam was 7 he wrote an essay about his brother Dean - seems some things never change.

Recommender’s Note: *Giggles* This is cute as buttons! (Which is high praise in my book!) Everything wonderful and brotherly about Show!


**Please Don’t Take Or Edit Any Fanworks Without Permission Of The Author/Artist **


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