Monthly Recommendations...

Jun 29, 2011 18:50

Hello Fellow Appreciators of Dean!

Thank you to all of the authors and artists that allowed us to include your work in our Monthly Recommendations - You guys are astoundingly awesome!

Do you have a favorite piece of fanwork involving the incomparable Dean Winchester? Please PM one of your friendly neighborhood mods or leave us a comment. Just let us know: what it is, who it’s by, and why you like it!  Special thanks to meus_venator!

Comments Are Love - If You Like Something, Please Comment And Tell The Author Or Artist!

Without Further Ado…


Title: A Connotation Of Infinity

Author: lizzstomania

Rating: PG

Parings/Characters: Dean/Castiel

Warnings: None

Summary: Dean never expected to fall in love with his little brother's home ec partner, but easy never was the Winchester way.

Recommender mrscastielftw’s Note: All of lizzstomania’s work is absolutely amazing and this is so very adorable that I want to wrap it in a fluffy cloud and keep it forever!


Title: How NOT To Kiss An Angel


Rating: PG-13

Parings/Characters: Dean/Castiel

Warnings: Spoilers For Season 6

Summary: A humorous one-shot if you need a laugh. Dean/Castiel established relationship.

Recommender mrscastielftw’s Note: Schmoopy Giggle Fluff Of Awesomeness! fantapieland  always brings sunshine into the world of fandom with wonderful fic!


Title: Into It


Rating: R

Parings/Characters: Dean/Castiel

Warnings: None

Summary: At first Dean thinks it's an angel thing, the standing too close and staring too long. But then Dean meets a few more angels and it turns out it's not an angel thing after all. No, looks like that's pure Castiel. And, well, Dean's kinda into it in a non-homoerotic sort of way.

Recommender mrscastielftw’s Note: Personal Space…Remember Dean and Cas talked about it! This is so sweet and I utterly adore it!


Title: The Fall Of House Winchester

Author: hunters_retreat

Rating: NC-17

Parings/Characters: Dean/Ford(omc-ish), Dean/Sam

Warnings: Dub-con (willing but the circumstances make it a little dubious), Incest

Summary: The Vampire Master Ford was well- known for his love of hunting paraphernalia. Six years after the truce that brought humanity and vampires’ peace, he finally found the one thing he’d been looking for, Dean Winchester.

Dean was looking for a way to escape the slave pens until the day he was put up on the auction block. He wasn’t about to be cowed by anyone though, certainly not over some slip of paper that said he no longer had the right to his freedom.

Master Ford wasn’t what he thought he would be at all though. The vampire Master was kind and cruel in turn, turning a blind eye to Dean’s independence but punishing him severely for the smallest of things. Dean doesn’t know what Ford’s plan for him is but the more time he spends in Ford’s house, the more nothing makes sense.

Worst of all, how can he escape the vampire that calls himself his Master when he finds himself protecting him from enemies he never knew he had?

Recommender meus_venator’s Note: I adore Slave fics to begin with because they have you at hello with the angst, but I thought hunters_retreat Dean voice was pitch perfect. He still had spunk, but he'd been tossed around enough to learn how to bend. And the evil Vampire Ford had just the right feel of dominance of a near Evil Sam, but one step back. Scary smart still and cagey and dominant like you'd think a ruling race vampire would be. Their interactions in the story were like a wonderful slow burn.



Title: May 25, 2011 Art Post

Artist: xxxxxx_6x

Rating: Work Safe

Pairing/Characters: Dean and Sam

Recommender mrscastielftw’s Note: The Astoundingly Magnificent Art! (Also some amazing Sherlock artwork!)

**Please Don’t Take Or Edit Any Fanworks Without Permission Of The Author/Artist **


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