The Night Before Supernatural...

Dec 24, 2010 01:29

Original by Clement Clarke Moore. Rewritten by an avid fangirl.

T'was the night before Supernatural, when all through the house
The excitement was tangible, of which nothing could douse.
The popcorn was popped by the microwave with care,
In hopes that the new episode would awesome, they'd swear.

The fangirls were restless, picking at threads,
While visions of smuggled plums danced in their heads.
And Mrs.C in her 'kerchief, and I in my hoodie,
Had just settled on the couch with all our goodies.

When outside the house, there arose such a clatter,
we jumped from our spots to see what the hell was a'matter.
Away to the windows, we flew so fast,
pushing away curtains, pressing our noses to the glass.

The streetlights along the highway had shown,
the lights of a car we would never bemoan,
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a sixty-seven Chevy and a dying demon, it was clear,

With two brothers, part of the free will team,
I knew in a moment it must be Sam and Dean.
Quicker than lightning, their whispers softer than satin,
repeating whole exorcisms in Latin!

"I command you to leave this place and depart,"
said Sam, the youngest, who knew it by heart.
"Hurry up, Sam," said the elder brother Dean.
"We have to make time or Bobby will cut us off clean!"

With the monster burning a fiery death,
Dean and Sam turned, without a sound, and left.
They climbed into the car never looking back,
and that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, Jack.

!abusing mod powers, fanfic: gen, rating: pg

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