Series Title: The Face
hunters_retreat Fandom: Supernatural/RPS/Dark Angel/10 Inch Hero Crossover
Pairing: Dean/Jensen/Alec/Priestly
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Spoilers through SPN Season 4 possible and anything from DA and TIH.
Summary: Futuristic AU. Beset with loss and grief, in a world they no longer known, Dean, Jensen, Alec, and Priestly find one another and challenge the world around them.
*Updated Chapters*
Heat: “I can’t believe we didn’t tell you.”
In Your Arms: “But this is the part of you I like best, Dean,” he brushed his lips over Dean’s bicep again, whispering his next words.
You Know I Got You: Dean’s voice was hoarse, devastated as he whispered against his skin, “you think I don’t know? You think it’s just you?”
The Journey: Apparently Alec wasn’t the only one with a voyeuristic kink after all.
Stuck With Me Now: “Definitely stuck with me now.” He answered as he kissed Alec soundly.
Good Wishes: At least this way, Dean would start the day off with good wishes.
Hell of a Way to Start a Day: Some days he just needed to see the sun rise, to see the colors paint the sky.