Fic: If you prick him, do I not bleed?

Aug 23, 2007 22:58

Title: If you prick him, do I not bleed?
Author: Wysawyg
Disclaimer: I own nowt but my soul and some comfy walking boots. All else belongs to their owners, in the Winchester case, this is the Kripkeeper and the CW.
Summary: A thorny encounter with a rose bush leaves the Winchester brothers a little close for comfort.
Rating: I'd guess PG-13 though there is liberal use of the F-word.
Prompt: #24 - ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) - Unity (I took it a little literally)
Pairings/Characters : Entirely gen.
Author notes: Written for spn_dailylife challenge. Prompt was Red and white roses symbolising Unity.
Mostly humour with a side-serving of angst. Set post-Season 2 finale. Beta’d by the wonderful TraSan.

"A rose garden?" The disbelieving words came from Dean Winchester who was currently stretched out on one of the two motel beds in the room, working a kink out of his back.
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