Title: I Told You So
mgbutterflyRating: NC-17 (it's got teh wincest)
Pairings: Dean/Sam
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I'd make them get into fights then clean each other up. But I don't, I'm merely playing in Kripke's sandbox.
Summary: Dean sat up and forward a bit to check out the damage to his face in the rear-view mirror. When he touched the cut on his cheek, now painfully throbbing, he hissed and cursed under his breath, "Don't say it, Sam."
"I told you so."
barkeepAuthor's Notes: This was written for
spn_dailylife. My prompt was Zinnia: magenta: lasting affection. (Did I make the deadline??)
Cross posted liek whoa.
I Told You So