And Brains, Too (J2, Explicit, 00:11:07)

Sep 02, 2013 19:29

Text: And Brains, Too by Chash (longsufferingly)
Reader: eosrose
Cover Artist: eosrose
Fandom: CW RPF
Ship: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage drinking, blow jobs.
Summary: Fraternity AU. Jared doesn't really know how he ended up in some sort of bizarre fraternity trivia contest, but he does know that he's willing to do whatever his hot frat brother asks him to.
Formats: MP3 (11 MB, 00:11:07) | M4B (7 MB, 00:11:07)

Download the MP3 or Podbook from AO3

I generally prefer comments be left on my AO3 post; chances are I won't notice them if you comment here, though if you are constitutionally opposed to commenting on AO3, you can certainly try commenting here, lol.

&pairing: jared/jensen, !reader: eosrose, ^length: 00:15:00 and under, $author: longsufferingly, *rating: nc-17

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