Title: If God Knows
l_nianiaPairing: Dean/Sam/Castiel/Gabriel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: tiny bit of explicit sexual content, incest, foursome
Summary: After the Apocalypse, one morning, in bed, Dean thinks, until someone decides he's thinking too much.
Length: 00:04:56
Links to the
Fic and the
Podfic Title: We Are Not Whole Without You
l_nianiaPairing: Dean/Sam/Castiel/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: hints of explicit sexual content, incest, foursome
Summary: Set after 'Hammer of the Gods'. Team Free Will finds an unexpected surprise waiting for them in their motel room.
Length: 00:14:42
Links to the
Fic and the
Podfic My first podfics so I would love some feedback in my journal!