Fic: How Cas Made the Monster Talk

Sep 07, 2011 16:14

Castiel turned away from the now chained creature to glare at Crowley. “It came from Purgatory. The Human H.P. Lovecraft released it 74 years ago.”

“Really?” There was a definite note of glee in Crowley’s voice as he bent to examine the scowling woman. “And you think it’ll be able to tell us how to open the door?”

“I’m not telling you anything demon,” the woman snarled as she tested the strength of her restraints.

“Cut the clichés darling. We both know that sooner or later you’ll be spilling your guts, quite literally if you’re not careful.”

“Crowley, we don’t have time for this,” growled Castiel. “The Winchesters are searching for us and it is only a matter of time before they discover our location.”

“And whose fault is that?” Crowley asked, rounding on Castiel. “If you’d just let me kill them then we wouldn’t need to worry about time limits would we? We could’ve opened a bottle of wine and taken our time extracting the information, but now we’ve got to skip all the fun bits and rush right to the messy part because of your damn pets!”

With that Crowley grabbed the baseball bat from his table of instruments and swung it at the woman’s head. It struck with a resounding crack and her head was forced forward. The woman let out a cry of pain that soon turned into a low chuckle. She smiled as she looked up and said, “You two sound like you’ve got some issues. I suggest marriage counselling.”

Crowley raised the bat to swing again, but Castiel held out a hand to stop him. “We need it conscious.”

Crowley glared for a moment before lowering the bat. “What instrument do you suggest we use then?”

“Your methods of torture are designed to prolong agony. I know a quicker way to make it talk.”

“Oh really?” Crowley asked as he watched Castiel roll up his sleeves. “And what might that be?”

“I’m going to examine its soul.”

Crowley smirked as fear spread across the woman’s face. “Well aren’t you just full of surprises sweetie? And here I was thinking I was the only sadist in the room.”

Castiel ignored him as he placed his hand against the woman’s chest. “This is your last chance. Tell me how to unlock Purgatory or experience a pain unlike anything you have ever felt before.”

“I’ll never tell,” the woman whispered as she stared into Castiel’s unwavering blue eyes.

“That’s what they all say,” commented Crowley before Castiel forced his hand into the woman’s chest, causing her to scream in agony.

In less than an hour they had all the information they needed.

type: fic, rating: pg-13, character: crowley, character: castiel

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