Title: Live by the Sword
brosedshieldDisclaimer: If anyone owns anything in this relationship, Supernatural owns my heart. And won't give it back. And won't pay me for it. (i.e. Don't own, don't profit) Though the AU twist is mine. If you want to jump in this crazy place with me, please do! There's plenty of room, the water's fine, and I enjoy company.
Characters: Sam, Dean, deer!Impala
Warnings: This AU is a strange place, built on a joke and spiraling out of control. If you can't handle a post-Apocalyptic world with mutant African deer, and a gleeful disregard for the stodgy rules of logic, turn back now!
Rating: PG
Word count: 2375
Spoilers: Ummm, if S1 existed, this would take place between episodes 1 and 4. Somewhere.
Summary: After leaving Stanford, Sam and Dean find their rhythm again as brothers and family after an attack in the mountains.
Author notes #1: This AU (I call it the Apo-verse) started as a joke when I realize that an Impala, in addition to being one of the awesomest cars ever, is also an African deer. With my deep devotion to puns, I quickly set about creating a world that would justify Sam and Dean riding around on one. The result is an early, completely man-made Apocalypse (nukes, biological weapons, the end of television) which allows Sam and Dean to hunt everything they did originally and also have inherited a giant, mutant deer from their father. Somehow this got out of hand. The original story "Two Men and an Impala" (currently a WIP) is pure, funny crack, and the second "Dean vs. the Sex Traders" (also currently a WIP) started out funny, and got dark somewhere along the way. Then because I wanted to see Sam with a sword, this fic appeared and got finished first. It takes place first, chronologically, and I'm kind of in love.
Author note #2: Sometimes the beta process fixes a couple wrong words and I'm good to go. This time
lavinialavender made me so much better, the original draft will hopefully never see the light of day. You should thank her, profusely.
When heads need to come off, Dean’s an ax man...