Round 6: Check-in #2

Aug 06, 2015 16:14

Somehow all of July snuck right past us and now we're into August! Meaning less than a month (26 days if you're counting at home) until posting begins!

Remember, it's all open posting so you can post your fanwork to the comm any time between September 1, 12:01am and September 30, 11:59pm.

Hey folks! We're about one month into Round 6, with two months to go! How's it going for everyone? All on track and peachy? :D

If you need some help along the way with betas, check out this post - Round 6: Beta Signups
If you have questions, consult the FAQ
If you have further questions, you may comment to this post or email us: spncinema.mod @ gmail . com (without spaces).

For fic:
♦ Completed fics must be, at minimum, 1000 words in length.

For art (excluding videos):
♦ Completed art must consist of, at minimum, one image with a size of 400x400 pixels.

For videos:
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as mediafire or minus and include a link in your post to view/download it.
♦ Completed videos must be, at minimum, one minute in length.

For podfics:
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as mediafire or minus and include a link in your post to view/download it.
♦ Completed podfics must be, at minimum, 1000 words.

For fanmixes:
♦ Upload your fanmix to a hosting site such as mediafire or minus and include a link in your post to view/download it. Please also include a list of the songs currently on there.
♦ Completed fanmixes must be, at minimum, 10 songs in length and must include a cover that's at least 400x400 pixels in size.

Fanworks should not be posted anywhere else before September 1. Please do not post your fanwork directly to this community - first post it to your journal/tumbler/AO3/etc., then crosspost here. To post an entry here you must be a member of the community; if you're not a member already, please join now!

If you're working in collaboration, you can post the efforts together in one post by linking to the various media. You may also post your items separately, whichever works best for you.

When posting your fanwork to the community, please use something akin to the templates below.

For fic:
Movie Prompt:
Word Count:
Notes: [delete if not applicable]

For art:
Movie Prompt:
Run Time: [delete if not applicable]
Preview: [delete if not applicable]
Notes: [delete if not applicable]

For audio:
Author: [delete if not applicable]
Movie Prompt:
Length: [delete if not applicable]
Notes: [delete if not applicable]

Please note that while we'd prefer it, you do not have to follow this template exactly - this just serves as a guide to what you should consider including to your post to the community. At the very least, make sure you include the title, your movie prompt, the pairing, the rating (especially if your art is NSFW!), and a summary/preview (only required for fic, but appreciated for art). Note: images posted outside of a cut should not exceed 400x400 pixels.

Lastly, if you recorded a podfic, or made a fanmix for a fic, please remember to include the author's name and a link to the fic itself.

posting guidelines, round 6, .posting template, mod post

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