Title: Alien Nation (Even Though We’re Worlds Apart)
Author: amypond45
Artist: amberdreams
Movie Prompt:
Alien NationPairing: J2
Rating: R
Word Count: 16,362 and ART
Summary: As detective on the Kansas City police force, Jensen thinks he’s seen it all. Then comes the day his partner gets killed and he sees Jared for the first time. Jared’s not just any beat cop, he’s one of the first Newcomers ever to hold the job. When Jared gets promoted to detective and becomes Jensen’s new partner, Jensen must fight his attraction to him while learning more than he ever thought he wanted to know about Newcomers and their underprivileged status on their adopted planet.
Notes: Fic:
here on A03 |
here on LJ.
Art: AO3
A03 |