ongiaraSo damn beautiful and crisp...I love the way you can see his eyelashes and the border of his lips so well...I could stare at it for hours *g*
lamis_pLove the composition of it. Bloody!eyes OMG *_*
lasamy oh I know this bitch *g* my friend chose this one...classic smartass Dean thinkin' about the second most important thing after the Metallicar and before women *pets him*
ellie_fo_20oh so beautiful. Love the light texture that gives jesse's spirit or whatever it is a even more ethereal look. Great use of text too ;)
raths_kittenOh Sammy. This icon is so simple and yet so beautiful, I really like the coloring...great crop too *_*
deadwillwalkooooh I loooove B/W icons and this one is simply gorgeous.*stares* The texture and the tiny text are just perfect there.
ashley_messerLeatherjacket!porn! (sorry I couldn't help it XD) Great crop and coloring there ^^
janie_tangerineher first SPN batch...OMG *_* (it was me who dragged her in the fandom so I've been patting myself on the shoulders for days *g*)
Love love the crop of this one and the coloring...the way Sammy's hair turned out...awww ** (and the frangia..I miss it =( )