(no subject)

Nov 05, 2007 23:26

name: beggar_always

bio: 22-year-old. For Hire. Just got a Bachelor's degree in a subject she spent 4 years learning to hate. Looking to pursue a Masters in Folklore in a few years, but otherwise has no clue what to do with her life. So she moved 750 miles away from everyone she knows. Still has no clue what to do. Is a Gemini and therefore is predictably unpredictable.
Is finally admitting to her Supernatural addiction obsession. Hasn't been this preoccupied with any show like this since The X-Files (early X-Files...post-movie got weird) and even that was nowhere near the "fangirl" she has become for SPN.

interests: caffeine, cheap wine, classic rock, creative cursing, folklore (a passion that predates SPN, I swear!), history, humor, poetry, putting random things in alphabetical/numerical order, travel

LJ/fandom activities: I post the occasional poem or icon of my own (though none Supernatural-ly related...yet).
I enjoy reading FanFic and write some of my own, but I've yet to brave sharing it. Same with meta, though I've written less of that.
I have successfully converted two people (including my brother!) to SPN and convinced another person to at least watch it on occasion and recognize it as a good program.
I also think Plastic!Winchester Theater by antekais about the funniest thing ever and I recommend it to any Supernatural fan.
I heart finding awesome SPN icons and have more saved on my computer than I will ever actually use.

Other: I love talking to people and making new friends. Journal isn't locked, but I may have the very rare friends-only post. Have another journal at the4thfury that mostly just demonstrates my split-personality. (beggar_always is more friendly)
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