Apr 05, 2006 22:29
name: I have one I was given by my parents that only a few on the web know. I'll respond to a dozen character names as well as my LJ name of mithfeniel.
bio: 27 year old law clerk in southwestern Ontario. I entertain the idea that I'm a writer though it's been a long while since I've done anything other than fanficion.
interests: writing, music, movies, reading, graphics, html, roleplay.
livejournal/fandom activities: My journal is friends-locked for the sake of privacy. I'm a very private person and I'm very selective about who I friend, mostly because of past experiences.
I belong to a wide variety of LJ communities for Lost and Supernatural. I'm also an X-Men, Lord of the Rings, and Batman fan. Despite the fact I am not a Clark Kent fan, I love Smallville. Harry Potter and NCIS are other fandoms of mine, though not quite as extreme as the others.
I like to write fanfiction of multiple genres (Batman, SPN, and LOTR thus far). I prefer first person POV as I find third person POV challenging. I recently discovered that I am capable of writing 100 word drabbles as well as sweeping epic fanfictions that torment my beta.
HTML is a puzzle I love working on. I do homepages for my RPG for my characters and others.
other: Quick to anger, just as quick to cool down. Passionate about my fandoms. I don't know many people in real life who share my avid love of comics, movies, or tv shows.
I prefer to know the people I friend to my journal because of problems I've had in the past, though I'm going to start to loosen security on my journal. Can't let a few people ruin things for you, right?