name: darkhavens
bio: 36, English, living in Devon, addicted to slash, reading, writing and chocolate.
interests: reading, writing, slash, vampires, ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night, procedural crime shows, serial killers. :D
livejournal/fandom activities: Started in fandom writing Spike/Xander of Buffy, added John/Rodney of Stargate Atlantis and most recently acquired a Sam/Dean of Supernatural habit that I just can't quit. I also dabble in Mulder/Krycek of X Files, but only by special request.
comms I mod:
bloodclaim, a Spike/Xander comm and the sister comm
slashthedrabble, a multi-fandom drabble challenge community;
spn_betas, a comm designed to bring fic writers and betas together to produce more and better fic; and
kaz2y5 (co-modded with
literati), a bi-weekly multi-media Supernatural challenge comm.
Off lj I'm also a mod of
Highway to Hell, a Sam/Dean art archive.
other: I am not flocked. Most of my posts contain fic, but occasionally I get icon crazy and will post batches of oddness - fandom icons, naked men icons, icons proclaiming the user to be a bitch, naked men icons, alternative xmas icons, naked men icons... you get the idea.
I love to see new names on my 'friends of' list, but cannot promise to friend anyone back as I'm quickly running out of time to read my flist now I'm officially tri-fandom. If you want to friend me, please do, and don't be afraid to comment and say hi. :D
Oh, one more thing - everyone should be watching
spnnewsletter for their daily update of the best of the fandom. (And no, this one isn't one of mine. *g*)