fic: Mated

Aug 10, 2020 19:08

Title: A Mated
Author on ao3: Destielshipper4Cas
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,422 / ?
Notes/Warnings: Internalized Homophobia

Summary: Of course, if Dean had known that it was possible for an alpha to mate another alpha, he would never have let himself get carried away and bitten the hot alpha’s mating gland in the throes of passion. It wasn’t like he was into alphas, after all… Right?

Having accidentally mated the most awesome alpha, he might have to rethink some things about himself as he gets to know his mate and starts falling for him.

((Read it here on ao3))

pairing: castiel/dean, genre: slash, type: fic

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