Title: Make Your Way (Back to Me)
Author: StolenChilde
Disclaimer: Anyone recognizable belongs to Kripke and Co, not me!
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst, Depressed Castiel, Language, Fluff, Slash
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers/Timeline: Everything up to an including 9.01; occurs directly after 9.01
Word Count: 3200
Summary: Castiel makes the slow crawl back to family.
Author’s Notes: Okay, so this was written after my Coda. So a bit of a similar situation but not by any means part of the same fic. Just a different take. This was also written before I saw 9.02 and the preview for 9.03, but I tell you: I think we need something like this after that preview. Also! I’m avoiding spoilers this year as much as I can, so if you chose to comment please don’t reveal anything beyond the latest preview/episode. Thanks guys! Hope you enjoy! I’m honestly kind of proud of this one.
Make Your Way (Back to Me)