Kneeling Gods - Dean/Sam/Castiel NC-17

Dec 11, 2012 00:23

Title: Kneeling Gods
Pairing: Wincestiel - with scenes of Wincest, Destiel, and Sassy
Word Count: 20,000
Rating: NC-17
Artwork: NSFW!
Warnings: Angst, Dub-con (due to altered state of consciousness), mention of weecest, double penetration, collaring
Summary: With Castiel proclaiming himself God, Sam and Dean must resort to a drastic binding spell that requires them to have sex with Castiel every day to keep him under control.
A/N: Written for the wincestielbang with much thanks to my Betas fobsessed54 and saltandbyrne. And a special extra thank you to xsnappapplex for not only pinch-hitting on the artwork (which is fabulous!) but then coding everything you see now so that all I had to do was copy and paste. She is pretty much the best person in the world.

Masterpost Link to my LJ

pairing: castiel/dean/sam, genre: slash, type: fic

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