Title: Never (or Always Almost)
Author: me, angelshandprint aka Hallie
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Dean, Castiel's unconscious presence, one-sided realized Dean/Castiel
Genre: angst, h/c
Warnings: angst, depression, violently expressed emotions
Rating: R
A/N1: ATTENTION, please, before you read it. This is just a HALF-SEQUEL to
Human (or Paradise Lost) , not a real sequel.
Which means: -This is related to Paradise Lost, NOT the other way around, meaning
-Paradise Lost is to stand alone, but this one is not, so before you read this, I suggest you read Paradise Lost, and please remember that Paradise Lost is a stand-alone fic, that is the most important thing I'm trying to say here.
A/N2: This is NOT a Sam/Dean fic despite the intimate behaviors of Sam's.
His nose and lips lay beside the mess of Castiel’s dark hair, for more than one moment he’s motionless and inhales the unfamiliar scent of this one angel, who he’d never known how much he’d loved until an hour ago