Title: Not Particularly Kind…
unatral_kreatur Pairings/Characters: Supernatural
Burton Movie: Sweeney Todd
Rating: R
Category: Dark!Fic
Word Count: 723
Chapter: 1
Spoilers: None as of yet
Summary: He returns to New York, a place of haunting memories. There he meets a strange woman who seems to provide the tools of his revenge.
Warnings: Mild Violence
Notes: Posting this as I go along. I have only gotten some free time recently.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the property of Kripke and the CW network. I do not own Supernatural and there is no profit being made from this Fanfiction.
Chapter One ~ No, There's No Place Like New York...
Andrew sat at the till, leaning on one arm he sighed. His eyes gazed drearily out the window, from which he could see the spectacle that was Manhattan.
“There’s no place like New York,” he sighed.
“No,” a voice broke his thoughts, “there’s no place like New York!”
Andrew frowned at the figure that stood in the doorway. Their latest, and rather mysterious, guest approached the front counter. He had spent the past three nights in room 27, arriving just before the counter closed to pay for another night and leaving early in the morning.
“Sir?” Andrew inquired timidly. The man’s bright green eye narrowed, as they darkened the lines upon his face deepened.
His face seemed so worn out, like he had lived the lives of three people and was ready to give up. Though his face appeared tired and old, even with grey peaking trough, his body told a completely different story. He stood upright, always seeming very prepared. His shoulders and chest were quite broad and many years worth of muscle bulged, even from under a trench coat.
“You’re very young. You don’t know the ways of the world. New York is a dark place, you may learn that someday.”
Andrew was almost shaking under this mans piercingly intimidating glare. So he shakily asked, “Another night or checking out?”
The man placed a fifty-dollar note on the table in response. Andrew hurriedly prepared a receipt. As he passed over the note he said, “Thank you for staying at Todd Inn Mr. Barker.”
No sooner had the exchange occurred than Mr. Barker had turned for the door. But he stopped at the door and turned back to Andrew.
“Thank you again, for helping me with that, uh, man. I owe you one.”
And then he was gone for sure this time.
Andrew could not possibly forget the night before. He had been taking out the trash and on his way back he saw someone breaking into the back window of Mr. Barker’s room. After picking up a wrench he had not returned to the closet inside he went around to the front of the block of rooms and saw Mr. Barker get pulled back into his room. Since the door was not even closed he peaked inside to see a man on top of Mr. Barker, and he had a knife! In reaction to Mr. Barkers grunts of resistance Andrew held the wrench to his shoulder then swung it till it collided with the side of the mans head.
Andrew was then horrified that he killed the man but Mr. Barker, who rose as soon as the man was off of him, assured him he was still breathing and that it was not likely he would suffer any permanent damage. As Mr. Barker thanked him Andrew looked down at the man on the floor.
Some blood was slowing dripping from a small wound near the top of his completely baldhead, and once his eyes had adjusted to the light he saw that the intruder had no facial hair or even eyebrows.
When Andrew asked if he should call the police Mr. Barker took out his phone, assuring him he’d do it.
“Yes, police department please. Yes, I’ve had a break-in. What, what do you mean you have no cars available? He’s right here and he could wake up at any second! How the hell do I make a citizen’s arrest? Yes I have a car. Fine. And where is that? Alright. Ok.”
Andrew, not knowing what a citizens arrest was, asked Mr. Barker. Mr. Barker sighed and said that he had to take their little friend to the police station. Andrew immediately his assistance, remembering that there was rope in the utility closet ran to fetch it and helped tie up the intruder. As they tied him up Andrew wondered why the man’s face seemed so strange. His features seem slightly… pointed. No, it was probably just because he had no eyebrows…
He began to stir as they placed him in the sleek black car, so Mr. Barker hastened Andrew, and thanked him for his help.
As he drove off into the night Andrew got an odd feeling.
Maybe he was just getting a chill, but something didn’t seem quite right.
Prologue ~ Chapter 1 ~
Chapter 2 ~
Chapter 3 ~
Chapter 4 ~
Chapter 5 ~
Chapter 6