Let's start this off with a bang, shall we?
Welcome to the first Slaying the Supernatural Fic-a-Thon, "sponsored" by
Twisting the Hellmouth".
Post here with the information below if you want to participate.
Pen Name:
E-Mail Address:
At least four pairings you will write
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Comments 25
Pen Name: KaylaShay
Email: kayla_shay81 at yahoo dot com
Pairings to Write: Dawn/Sam; Faith/Dean; Xander/Sam; Willow/Sam
Not Write: can't think of anything
Max Rating: FR21
I Want
Pairings: Dawn/Sam; Faith/Dean; Tara/Sam; Tara/Dean
Max Rating: FR21
Do Not Want: Anyone from BtVS to be related with the SPN boys... that's it...
Do Want: One side knowing of the other side's night job either by accident or for a long time... A kidnapping... that's it...
E-Mail Address: Demona_The_Dark_One at yahoo dot com
At least four pairings you will write:
Faith/any of the Winchesters (in any combination)
Two things you will *not* write:
Buffy/Any of the Winchesters
Willow - I suck at her
Max rating you can write:
You want:
Four pairings you wouldn't mind reading:
Riley/Dean (can be gen not slash)
Illyria/Dean&Sam (general)
Max rating you will read:FR21
Three things you do *not* want in your fic:
1 - Buffy pairing with the Winchesters
2&3 - See #1 above
Three things you *do* want in your fic:
Near-Death Experience
Thanks in advance! :)
E-Mail Address:mhs92@maricopaschools.org
At least four pairings you will write:
Buffy/Dean, Buffy/Sam, Buffy/John, Sam/Faith, Sam/Dawn
Two things you will *not* write:
Dean paired with anyone but Buffy
Max rating you can write:
You want:
Four pairings you wouldn't mind reading:
Buffy/Dean, Buffy/Sam, Buffy/John, Sam/Faith, Sam/Dawn
Max rating you will read:FR21
Three things you do *not* want in your fic:
Sam centered
Buffy bashing
Any character bashing really
Three things you *do* want in your fic:
Dean centered
Happy ending :)
Pen Name:
Sierra Phoenix
E-Mail Address:
sierraphoenix82 at aol dot com
At least four pairings you will write:
Sam/Dawn, Dean/Dawn, Sam/Faith, Dean/Willow, Dean/Gwen, Dean/Fred, Sam/Fred, John/Joyce
Two things you will *not* write:
smut (perhaps one day...but today is not that day)
Max rating you can write:
You want:
Four pairings you wouldn't mind reading:
Sam/Dawn, Joyce/John, Dean/Dawn, Sam/Willow
Max rating you will read: any
Three things you do *not* want in your fic:
Nothing extremely AU? *shrug*
Three things you *do* want in your fic:
humor, awkward moments, a fun reveal of the secret hunting gig. :)
Pen Name: Shona (aka Mara)
E-Mail Address: mara_sho @ livejournal.com
At least four pairings you will write: Dean/Faith, Sam/Dawn, Xander/Faith, John/Mary
Two things you will *not* write: Wincest. Sorry. Other than that I'm happy!
Max rating you can write: R
You want: Faith, doesn't have to be in a pairing.
Four pairings you wouldn't mind reading: Faith/Dean, Dawn/Sam, Tara/Sam, Tara/Lenore.
Max rating you will read: Anything.
Three things you do *not* want in your fic: Wincest, character bashing, Spuffy
Three things you *do* want in your fic: Snark, flashback, drunken gambling. (What? I'm strange!)
Are the Xander/Faith and John/Mary pairings okay by the way? Since they're not crossover pairings themselves I just wanted to check.
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