Title: Side of the Road (Rewrite of "Roadkill")
Author: Ebonypsyche
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Supernatural/BtVS Crossover
Pairing: Gen with established Buffy/Dean and Faith/Sam
Summary: Molly awoke after a car crash to find her husband missing. When she stumbles upon four strangers who agree to help her, she soon learns that she has no idea what she's in for
Spoilers: General Buffy spoilers and references for Ats 4x15 "Orpheus". Also major spoilers for SPN 2x16 "Roadkill"
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all related characters are copyright The CW Network. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. No infringement intended.
Distribution: Want. Take. Have. Credit. Then tell me where so I can show it off.
Side of the Road