Title: A Very Merry Three Kings' Christmas 1/2
Author name:
cosmic_medusaGenre: protective!Dean, addict!Sam, awesome!Cas, sadistic!Gordon, fluff
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Andy, Gordon, Bobby, Ellen
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Word count: 4,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst/schmoop//language/
Author's Notes: Part of my Three Kings 'verse, recommended you read
We Three Kings first.
Beta: All mistakes are mine.
Summary: The boys celebrate their first sober Christmas. A belated Christmas gift given as a Valentine to my fic-wife,
alice_alaizabel. Check out her podfic of
We Three Kings!
Second Author's Note: I know loads of us on LJ have had issues with depression and anxiety and everything in-between. I'm coming out the others side of one of the worse depressions I've had in years, but I still have loads planned for the boys, and I'm not giving up on life or them yet! I appreciate your messages during their break, and promise this 'verse is far from over!
Follow the cut:
Cas lead them past their over-the-top Christmas tree that was jammed into the corner and up the steps. He’d been woken early this morning to Sam and Dean bickering and swearing at each other as they wrestled it through the door, and the brothers had been going at full-throttle ever since. Also! Don't miss
alice_alaizabel podfic of
We Three Kings!!!!! She's the best!!!!!
Three Kings 'verse Masterlist