Title: Life's a Drag
ladyknightanka - this is still me.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Kripke and other producers. I make no profit from this, save having fun.This fic is loosely based on the Norse myth where Loki (Gabriel) and Thor crossdress. Underlined things and pop-culture references aren't mine. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~4400
Warnings: NC-17 for coarse language, slash, crossdressing, oral sex, fondling, perverted demons, Gabriel being his usual smarmy self, and some spoilers for season 6.
Summary: When the colt is stolen by the demon regular of a drag club, Gabriel convinces Adam to go incognito with him and pick it up.
Pairings: Gabriel/Adam. Brotherly Sam and Dean on the side. AU divergence from the finale.
“Yellow, this is Donald Trump. Can't gab right now, what with my upcoming presidential endeavors and all, but be sure to leave a message with my secretary, Sexual Harassment Claim #64.”