Title: belief is like a guillotine (just as heavy, just as light)
Author: Rose Ganymede
Pairings/Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: PG
Category: gen
Word Count: 685
Spoilers: post-4.22
Summary: Dean still can't believe that Sam is here, Sam is his again.
Notes/Warnings: Just a little post-finale drabble, originally posted in response to a prompt at
SPN Hug-it-Out Fic Meme. Therefore, there is schmoop because, hello? Hopeful. Boys. *snuggles them* The title courtesy of Franz Kafka. Feedback, as always, is love.
Disclaimer: All your Winchesters are belong to Kripke. [If I break them, can I buy them?]
Faith was made to be shattered, and Dean's has taken a beating this year.