Title: Half Empty, Half Full
pottheadFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Sam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,245
Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me-- just this ficlet!
Summary: Is the glass half empty or half full? Life is a challenge for everyone, but the Winchesters have had it particularly rough, and it seems that as time goes on, the bad is outweighing the good. Is it all worth it? Is there any way out? Do they want a way out?
Warnings: Rating is due to language.
Notes: READ THIS NOTICE!!!! :O!!! I hope the caps got your attention because I know sometimes people skip the notes section, but this is crucial. This ficlet is written from both Sam and Dean's points of view. It's a new style I'm trying out... it just sorta came to me. The first section is Dean, then Sam, then Dean, and so on. These are sort of like diary entries from crucial-ish parts of their lives, which ultimately define who they are. So now you know and you won't be confused when you read. :) And the beginning of this story takes place right after Sam leaves for college.
Evidently, God not only plays dice, but he plays blindfolded, and at times, throws them where you can’t see them... )
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