DeW: Nanny From Hell

Oct 23, 2016 15:07

Title: Nanny From Hell
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Supernatural
Character/Pairing: Dean/Lisa, Sam, Ben
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: SPN_BigPretzel:

Warning(s): None
Word Count: 239 (Sorry I went way over, but I just don't feel up to fixing it by tonight's deadline. Got bit by a bee -- which I'm allergic to -- and am so not thinking straight.)
Date Written: 23 October 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

"It's a carousel, you said! How much harm can it be, you said! Let's ride it, you said!"

"Stop saying what I said and just fucking run!"

"Sammy! What a mouth!"

"Yeah, like you haven't said worse!"

"I have, but I'm not running from these horses! I'm making a stand right now!" He slides to a stop and turns back to face the horses with glowing eyes and chomping mouths heading straight for them. "We're going to turn these horses into glue!"

"Yeah, and what about those?"

Dean spins to look where his brother's pointing. Umbrellas with tiny, birdlike Demons on their handles are hopping their way. He turns in another direction and sees hordes of Demons dancing with their arms linked and their legs kicking heading for them. The only direction left to them holds the mother of evil herself.

"I still don't believe Mary Poppins is evil!" Sam wails.

"Believe it, man. Now let's toast the bitch."


Dean wakes with a snort as a door slams. Ben slides to a stop in the living room and looks at Dean in surprise. "Mary Poppins?" he says in disbelief.

Dean shrugs, looking at Lisa whose feet are propped up in his lap. "It was your mother's idea," he says in defense, watching her sleep and deciding that he can sacrifice a lot more than just his taste in movies if it takes it to keep her at his side.

The End

sam, drabble, dew, lisa, rating: pg-13, dean, author:katyastarling

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