DEW: Superstring

Sep 25, 2016 18:04

Genre: gen
Characters: Dean, Sam
Challenge: DEW: string
Warnings: codependency
Word Count: 100-ish
Summary: Carry extra laces.

Dean taught Sam to tie his Keds, thirdhand. To run with boots unlaced, if necessary, to sleep, boot-by-boxspring; sleep in socks, salt soles.

To carry extra laces: duct tape, rock salt, laces, flame. And rope.

To hog-tie with silver.


Sam’s hanging ornaments in the bunker. Tinsel in hair. Sometimes he drops one, asks if Dean wants to help. Sometimes he mutters; silent night, god, monsters,men, supersymmetry; the second theory of angel wings; chirality, gravity.

Dean: sees dexterous short-kid fingers, a loop, two; here, you, stay, pull here, run if you have to; brother and brother; pull through.

sam, drabble, dew, drabbles, dean

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