Halloween Reverse Mini Bang -ART MASTERPOST

Sep 19, 2016 07:24

banner by dizzojay

DON'T PANIC! Art can be posted through Friday, September 30th (wherever you are in the world). We are putting this up now because some artists have asked about where they can post their art. Well, this is the place.  Also, we thought it would give our writers as much time as possible to get inspiration from these pieces.

This will be the comm sticky post for now and there will also be a reminder post closer to the deadline.

ARTISTS: Please post your art as a comment to this post or, if you prefer, provide a link to your journal or a photo hosting site. Don't know how to post an image in the comments? Go to LJ's handy FAQ here for more information. Also note, people have asked for clairfication and yes, we are asking for art that is new or unpublished elsewhere.

AUTHORS: Sorry, you can look, but you can't touch. Claims don't begin until Monday, October 3rd.  However, maybe seeing all the great art as it comes in will get you thinking about Halloween a bit earlier  :-)

mod post, halloween mini bang

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