Title: One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure
theympPrompt: Write a tag or missing scene for any episode
Genre: Schmoop/'Fix-it-fic'
Characters: Sam Winchester
Pairing: none
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: Spoilers for 11.20
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.
Summary: Sam ponders on family. Tag to 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon.
A/N: I originally wrote this back in Feb 2014 for the E/O Challenge on FanFiction.net; the word was 'trash'. After the excitement of Asylum 16 and episode 11.20, it seemed appropriate to share this here.
With a heavy heart, Sam watched his brother walk away. He knew Dean wasn't hurting from the constant knocks and setbacks; it had been the big reveal about Sam's own feelings, or rather their lack, about their family.
It's just that it had always been 'my way or the highway' with their Dad, and neither he nor Dean had ever quite understood how smothered that made him feel.
He was about to follow when he paused, leaned down and plucked the amulet from the trash. There were always second chances, he was seeing that now.
Give it time, he thought.