Title: Death of Death
Characters: Death and Billie
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: S10 Finale
Prompt: DEW - Theme - Fail; Character - Death
Disclaimer: Just for fun, not profit.
Summary: Death and Billie have a conversation.
“Well, I never expected that,” Billie sat down opposite him, “but you did, didn’t you?”
“Of course.” Death smiled, “I knew Dean would never kill Sam, not even if it cost the world,”
“And it may, the damned fool,” she sighed, “I can’t believe he actually thought he’d killed you.”
“Dean could barely believe it, but it served a purpose.”
“So, you want me to take over?”
“For a short time, long enough to convince the Winchesters, and everyone else, that I am dead.”
“Including the Darkness?”
“Especially the Darkness, for I will to reap her when the time is right.”