Title: Maybe In Anime
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Supernatural
Character/Pairing: Dean, Sam
Rating: PG/K+
SPN_BigPretzel DeW: Any country other than the one you live in
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 100
Date Written: 16 April, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Kripke, not the author, and are used without permission.
"Dude! I don't believe we're finally here!"
"What? In Japan?"
"Yeah! I can't wait to see where they make Kunoichi!"
"You do realize anime's largely made through computers? There's no actual actors involved."
"Psh! Of course there's actors involved, and the sounds those girls make are masterful performances!"
Sam rolls his eyes. "I am so not listening to this."
His gaze is drawn back to Dean as a cherry blossom lands on his head. "What?" Dean asks in response to Sam's gaze. Sam rips his gaze instantly away but still can't help thinking that maybe his brother should be in an anime himself.
The End