DEW - Damn You, Clarence

Mar 19, 2016 19:04

Originally posted by jj1564 at Drabble - Damn You, Clarence

Title: Damn You, Clarence
Characters: Meg (Rachel Miner)
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt:  DEW - Demon and/or weight.
Summary: Meg is suddenly concerned by her appearance.

Meg stood on the bathroom scales and sighed. How had she put on two pounds? She barely ate anything - demons didn’t need to eat after all - but she had started to drink beer. That must be why she’s swelling up like a friggin’ balloon.

She stared in the mirror at the familiar, pretty round face.  Sometimes she forgot what she looked like as a human.

She wondered when had she become such a friggin’ teenage girl? She was a powerful, badass demon, it didn’t matter what she looked like.

And yet…

“Damn you and your blue eyes, Clarence!” she muttered.

rating: g, meg, fic: gen, season 7, author:jj1564

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