Title: Socks, Jocks, and Chocolates Genre: Gen, fluff Rating: R Characters: Dean, Sam Word count: 100-ish (I only got 10 fingers to count on) Warnings: Language, of course Media: Legal pad, cell phone camera, Photoshop, gumption A/N: A bit of brotherly, fluffy affection for saintsammy. Merry Christmas! ♥
SAMMY Books That Game of Thrones box set (or whatever) New Book by the Game of Thrones guy Those Dragon Tattoo Books? Some crazy lore shit WORK! Amazon says Brandon Sanderson ??
Jayhawks tickets SOLD OUT [unintelligible]
*New boxers (goddamn) (fancy silk ha-ha no)
*Douchey dark chocolate almonds (Whole Foods) DVD's The Wire? Breaking Bad? NETFLIX Old school Star Wars? Ooo Twilight Zone/maybe like Outer Limits
*Some flannels *Socks too or slippers V-necks
Fruit of the Month or some shit? Wine Beer! Fancy shaving stuff? STUPID
CLP/patches/new barrel brush? MORE WORK!
Fuckin stuff for his room
Title from Tim Minchin's "White Wine in the Sun," which is lovely, if not very kind to religion.