Dec 15, 2015 11:49
Title: Not Bing Crosby
Genre: gen
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: A slight nod to Wincest.
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam gets into the Christmas spirit.
“Silent night, holy night, all’sh calm all’sh bright…”
“Crap, Sammy, how much have you had to drink?” Dean’s eyes widened at the array of bottles strewn across the floor. He had only been gone a couple of hours.
“Round yon virgin…” Sam giggled, “…vir-ir-gin, mother an’ child…”
“C’mon, Bing Crosby, let’s get you to bed,” Dean chuckled.
Sam grabbed Dean’s shirt. “Wanna sleep with you, Dean…”
“Not tonight, Sammy, you smell like a brewery,”
Sam pouted, then carried on, “Sleep in heavenly pe-eace…”
Sam’s long body face-planted onto the mattress and he was soon snoring.
“Sleep well, Sammy.” Dean whispered.
holiday drabble challenge,
fic: gen,
rating: pg,
team carolers