Title: Look at Frosty Go
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Characters: Bobby, John, Dean, Sam
Word count: 100
[Fic spoiler]Violence against snowmen Summary: Never let it be said Bobby Singer can’t follow John’s orders.
A/N: Credit to Mr. Lament for the concept.
“They’re kids, John.”
“Which makes them targets.”
“It’s Christmas Eve.”
“And you know what's out there.”
“Better’n you do.” (Y’stubborn sonofabitch.)
“They're my sons.”
“Yeah. All right.”
“Now. The secret to snowman-makin’ is a nice, wide, base.”
Dean’s toe drags through the snow. “Uh. Uncle Bobby? I thought… I mean… Dad said…”
“Don’tcha worry ’bout that, y’hear me?”
Scrape. Crunch. Thump.
“That’s right, Sam. Pack ’er nice ’n tight.”
Eyes and mouths of cat’s eye shells, with shotgun shells for noses.
“All right. Now.”
Crack. Snick. Click.
Snow-Bobby’s ballcapped head explodes. Snow and salt rain.
“Practice time.”