Team Carolers: "In Thy Dark Streets Shineth"

Dec 11, 2015 20:24

Title: In Thy Dark Streets Shineth
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Dean, Ben, Lisa
Word count: 100
Warnings: Season 5 spoilers

Summary: Dean always said, if you're gonna go, go big.

"Hey toss me that last box!" Dean spins his staple gun like a six-shooter. Grins down at Ben.


He snags the lights outta the air, tears the box with his teeth. One row to go. Strands already circle the windows, wind around columns and spindles. All white.


Lisa gets home after dark. "Hey, guys. Busy day?"

"Yup," Ben says. "Got the Christmas spirit."

"I can see that." Lisa winks. "I bet the Space Station can see that."

"Too much?" Dean asks. Shit.

"Huh-uh." Indulgent smile ain't just for Ben. She kisses Dean's cheek.

"Gross!" Ben yelps.

"It's perfect."

holiday drabble challenge, drabble, lisa, dean, team carolers, author: laughablelament, rating: g, hellatus, fic: gen, ben, season 5

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