Team Carolers: "Winter Wonderland"

Dec 10, 2015 08:22

Title: Winter Wonderland
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13 (Language)
Characters: BoyKing!Sam, Demon!Dean, [Spoiler]Adam
Word count: 100
Warnings: Politics, religion, and sports; dialogue only

Summary: On a cold day in Hell…

BK!S: I’m telling you, Dean. Something weird’s going on.

D!D: I know, right? This whole year’s been fucked. The Buffalo Bills won the Super Bowl.

BK!S: Kim Jong-un called for open elections.

D!D: And Pat Robertson came out of the closet!


D!D: It ain’t right, man.

BK!S: No. It’s not.


BK!S: Say. Is it cold in here to you?

D!D: A little, yeah.

BK!S: Are those…? Are those icicles?

D!D: What in the…? Yeah. Looks like.


BK!S: Well I didn’t do it.

D!D: Well I didn’t either.



ADAM: What? I wanted to play hockey.

holiday drabble challenge, drabble, au, adam, dean, team carolers, author: laughablelament, sam, fic: gen, rating: pg-13, crack

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