Team Carolers : The Reluctant Carol Singer

Dec 09, 2015 00:08

Title: The Reluctant Carol Singer
Genre: gen
Characters: Dean, Ben and Lisa
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ben wants Dean to join in with caroling.

“Please, Dean, it’ll be fun!” Ben pleaded.

“I don’t sing, least not in public. And I definitely don’t sing carols.”

“They’ll be loads of other people…”

“Then you don’t need me there.”

Ben scowled at Dean and stomped out of the room.

Lisa scowled at Dean too; he asked what he’d done to upset Ben and Lisa rolled her eyes.

“He adores you, and he wants us both to go caroling with him.”

The following evening Dean was at the local mall, feeling stupid, song-sheet in hand, miming “Silent Night”.

Ben’s smiled happily over at Dean and Dean sang loudly. 

holiday drabble challenge, drabble, rating: pg, lisa, author:jj1564, dean, team carolers, fic: gen, ben

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