Title: O Tannenbaum
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Sam and Dean
Word count: 100
Warnings: None
Summary: Dean’s itched for this since they first set foot in the Batcave.
“C’mon, Sammy, live a little!”
“Says the guy tryin’ to get us shot.”
“Pft. All the shit’s tried to end us? Old MacDonald ain’t got a chance.”
Pile outta their boosted F-150 with mismatched fenders and cow’s coat of Bondo. Gloves, ropes, ax outta the back. Silent steps between trees. Elbow to elbow.
Head cock.
“Dude, that’s way too big.”
“So we top it.”
Sigh, “Fine.”
Finally find one, baby fir or pygmy pine. Blisters and splinters but truck-bed tied. Butcher “O Christmas Tree” the whole drive.
Four weeks of needle sweeping later?
“Next year, Sam, we get plastic.”