Drabble - Andy Said

Sep 05, 2015 15:12

Title: Andy Said
Genre: gen
Rating: PG-13
Character: Andy Gallagher
Spoilers/Warnings: None unless you haven’t watched S2 yet.
Word Count: 100
Summary: Andy is enjoying his new powers, but they don’t help in every situation.
For the DEW prompt - Andy Gallagher and/or mud.

Andy didn’t know why he suddenly had these freakin’ awesome Jedi mind-control powers - maybe he was superhuman.

What Andy did know was that it was a gift; he could have anything he wanted and he was easy to please.  Last night, he’d made out in the back of his van with a cute waitress from the diner.

He decided to watch the sunrise over the lake; it had been awesome, until he tried and failed to drive away.

He could almost hear The Barbarian Queen mocking him - “You’re superhuman? Then get the van out of mud, Obi Bong.”

drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, author:jj1564, season 2

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