DEW: Careless Talk

Jul 18, 2015 08:46


Rating: T
Genre: Humour
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Warnings/Spoilers: warning for one F-bomb
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own him

It's not just walls that have ears ...

Lisa wanted Ben to have a pet to learn some responsibility.

She didn’t want the commitment of a dog, and Dean was allergic to cats, so she eventually settled on a little green parakeet which a delighted Ben christened Joey.

Although Dean had no objection to Ben’s pet, he later confided that he didn’t like birds; their cold, beady little eyes reminded him of too many nightmares from his past.  So he kept his distance, and all was well.

Until the morning Lisa walked past Joey’s cage and he brightly chirruped; ‘fuck off dickbeak.’

She’d be having a word with Dean.



drabble, dew, author:dizzojay, lisa, dean

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