Spring Fic Exchange: From Bad to Worse - for the Community

Jun 24, 2015 19:12


Big thanks to
denaworkshop for this fic's amazing artwork.  She really has gone above and beyond, so be sure to go and give her lots of love, and don't miss the bonus art at the end of the story!

Original Prompt: Dean gets worked over pretty badly by a demon/windigo/etc. and has to let Cas drive the car. Cas wrecks Baby.
Warnings/Spoilers (if applicable): possible vague spoilers for season 9 because of Cas' condition.  Otherwise, no particular resemblance to canon.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Rating: T
Wordcount: 2,500

Summary: The day started badly and went downhill from there ...

From Bad to Worse

Follow the link above for more fabulous art:

artist:denaworkshop, sam, author:dizzojay, castiel, fic exchange, dean, impala

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