just_ruth Title: Measure My Life in Coffee Cups
Rating: T for language
Word Count: 13,787
Warnings/Spoilers: Vague spoilers for entire series, and specifically Season 10 (more specifically Soul Survivor).
Summary: Ten chronological snapshots, measured by ten significant cups of coffee in Sam Winchester's life. (full prompt & A/N on my LJ post)
A/N2: My muses tend to take on a life of their own and this kept wanting to go in directions entirely inappropriate for this community. However, for those who like more angsty h/c, etc., I will probably be posting deleted scenes on my own LJ after the exchange, as I have like 8,000 words of scrapped fic still on the cutting floor.
Thank you to my fabulous artist,
just_ruth, whose lovely banner you see above. *hugs* My apologies for the lateness of this, though it's still Wednesday in my time zone; I have been at work since 4:00 am (yes, this morning) and just got home.
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. ~ T.S. Eliot
In three parts, because LJ has apparently cut down their entry lengths:
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three