DeW: "Witch's Brew"

Jun 06, 2015 10:18

Title: Witch’s Brew
Author: kira
Genre: slice of life
Characters: Rowena
Pairing: none
Rating: PG 13
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: Somewhat spoilerish for season 10
Disclaimer: Don’t own Supernatural; wish I did!
Author’s Note: Yes, I realize Rowena’s probably a tea-drinker like myself, but just go with it, okay?

Rowena smiled to herself. In the space of an hour or so her baby boy, her bonnie Fergus, had grown a set of brass ones, that made her proud. Even more surprising that Winchester boy had grown a set too, not that he was any match for her darling Fergus. Even more impressive was that girl with a man’s name, who cracked the codex. Pushing those thoughts aside, she set about casting the spell that would make her the greatest witch ever…

Rowena picked up the cup of dark liquid and drank. She had made the perfect cup of coffee.

drabble, dew, rating: pg, author: kiramaru7, fic: misc

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