Title: S.W. D.W.
Rating: Gen
Genre: cute
Characters: Sam and Dean
Spoilers/Warnings: none
Word Count: 100
Summary: The boys make their mark on the Impala...
“I’ll be gone an hour; watch out for Sam,” their dad had said two hours ago and he was still in the bar. They’d played catch outside and done their homework; now they were getting bored, waiting in the back of the Impala. Dean grinned when he found the tool box.
“Dean! Dad will kill you!” Sam gasped in horror when he saw what Dean was doing.
“He shouldn’t leave us so long,” Dean grumbled, handing a small knife to Sam.
Sam stared wide-eyed, then grinned and joined in. “She’s ours forever now,” Dean said.
“Forever an’ ever!” Sam replied.