Halloween Reverse Micro Bang - Family Traditions

Nov 02, 2014 19:41

Title: Family Traditions
Author: evelyncarver
Rating: G
Summary: Sam and Dean check out disappearances and odd lights that are not what they seem.
Artist: caffienekitty

"I'm telling you Dean, there's something here." Sam clicked at the bottom of the list of google search results. "This many people don't just disappear from a town this size." Sam glanced at the occupied bed. "Dean? Are you listening to me?"

Dean grunted and folded his arms over his head. "Let me sleep." He grumbled and Sam huffed.

"Dean, tonight's Halloween. The lights are seen every year on the outskirts of town on Halloween. We've got less than five hours to get everything together."

"Four hours to sleep, thirty minutes to drive." Dean said, his voice muffled by the pillow he was smushing his face into.

Sam turned back to his laptop. There was no reasoning with his brother sometimes. And with only one laptop and the town's public library closed, there wasn't much his brother could have done to help out anyway.

Two and a half hours of searching didn't turn up much. Sam had crossed eight of the disappearances off his list. Five had been suicides, two had men leaving their wives to move in with girlfriends or boyfriends, and the last one had been a twelve-year old girl who returned home three days later. He probably should have told Dean, fewer disappearances made it more likely that there was no creature or force of evil involved.

"Ready to roll out?" Dean asked when Sam closed his laptop.

Sam exhaled loudly through his nose. "Brush your teeth first. I'm not sitting in the car with whatever died inside your mouth."

"It's special for you Sammy." Dean blew a warm breath in his face on the way to the bathroom.

In all, and after Dean's insistence they stop for stake-out snacks, it took them more than an hour to find the ruins on the edge of town. Legend claimed the area had once been a confederate fort, but Sam's quick research had quickly dispelled that notion. As far as he could tell, the ruins actually came feed barns, maybe eighty years old at the most.

Not that Dean needed to know any of that.

It was a dark Halloween, there was no moon in the sky and no lights along the dirt road they followed to get in close to the crumbling structures. They weren't the only ones there. Sam had come across a post of Facebook, something about a town gathering "to see the mysterious Halloween lights". Part of him wanted everyone to disappear so they could investigate in peace.

"What's with the side show?" Dean asked him as the Impala ground to a halt on the muddy drive.

Sam shrugged. "Beats me." He hopped out of the car, checking quickly to make sure his flashlight, knife, and shotgun were all securely hidden. The last thing he needed was some soccer mom calling the police because she thought her kids were in danger.

"Where are we headed?"

Sam looked around. The spectators were all gathered to one side and there was a small copse of trees to their left. "Over there." They walked behind the civilians, trying to blend in, never one of the better Winchester skills.

"I don't see anything."

"Shh." Sam waved his hand. "The lights always start at 8 PM sharp. We've got a few minutes to spare."

"We could've had a couple more minutes to sleep." Dean grumbled, but he opened his stack-out M&Ms and those kept his mouth busy for a little while.

"We could have gotten lost."

"I don't get lost." Dean shoved a handful of M&Ms into his mouth and crunched down, small pieces of coloured candy rained onto the ground as he chewed his massive mouthful.

"There it is!" Sam pointed up and behind Dean. "It's not just lights . . ."

It wasn't. The light was bright against the dark sky and it shaped like a man, white light emanating from his torso and turning blue before it disappeared into the night.

"Come on!" Sam pulled his gun and moved swiftly and silently around the edge of the ruins.

"Sam?" Dean hissed, his words still muffled by M&Ms.

"I think it's coming from over here." Sam pointed the way with his shotgun and Dean nodded. Once the elder Winchester had swallowed his mouthful, he started to take things a little more seriously.

"Shh." Sam whispered as they got closer to the thing. "Look." He pointed to two almost shadowy figures at the edge of the field.

"What do you think?" Dean asked, pulling a silver knife out of his jacket.

Sam shrugged, putting a finger over his lips. They were getting too close to risk talking.

"Hello?" Someone flicked a flashlight on and the light was blinding.

Sam lifted his gun and was surprised to hear a shout and the light dropped to the ground. "Don't shoot!"

"What's going on?" Dean asked, his gun trained on the creatures on the ground.

"He's got a gun!" Someone on the ground said and it sounded like a kid. Sam slowly reached down and picked up the dropped flashlight, turning it on the pair.

The light slowly moved over two people. A kid, as Dean had guessed, and an older man. There was some sort of array set up next to them with a large silver dish and all kinds of cables running into it and leading away into the darkness.

"Did you see the lights?" Sam asked, lowering his gun. He didn't put it away, they still could have been shifters or ghouls and countless other creatures that could pass themselves off as human.

The boy snickered. "Yeah. You liked the light show?"

"I'm sorry!" The man got slowly to his feet. "Officers, I didn't mean to disturb anyone."

Sam and Dean exchanged a look and shrugged. They could go with officers.

"Just explain what you were doing." Dean ordered and he put his shotgun into its sling and crossed his arms over his chest.

The man looked at the ground and Sam trained the flashlight on his face. "It's a family tradition." He started and his face flushed. "My great-grandfather started doing it with his son. He had this thing." He kicked the shiny disk. "I think it was originally an air raid alert, something like that. He wanted to do something cool with it."

"So you terrorized the town?" Sam asked.

"No, it's not like that. On Halloween we shine some lights in the sky. People like it, it's a harmless mystery. Families come out with their kids."

"You keep to a have permit." Sam told him. "Let us know, in the future. That way we don't come rushing over here expecting a close encounter."

"Of course. I'm so sorry officers. We won't do it again."

"See that you don't. C'mon Sammy." Dean said gruffly and he led the way back to the car. "I told you so. There's no hunt here."

"What about the disappearances?" Sam asked.

"Did you look into them?"

"Yes. . ."

"And?" Dean demanded.

"There's nothing." Sam muttered.

"Say it." Dean pointed at his brother.

Sam pouted. "No."

"Come on, Sammy! Say it, I was right and you were wrong. No hunt here."

Sam snorted. "Whatever."

"Moving on?" Dean opened the door to the Impala.

"I need some sleep." Sam folded himself into the car.

"Should have napped earlier at the motel dude. I want to drive all night." Dean revved the engine and turned up the volume on the radio.

Sam groaned and rested his head against the window. He wished they had gotten to kill something.

author:evelyncarver, fic: gen, season 1, dean, halloween micro bang

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